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Photo by Colby Oney

Tips & Advice

Prague Tips & Tricks


by Well Traveled
9 months ago

Ready to navigate Prague like a pro? After reading this, you will be. We're dishing out our top tips and insider tricks to help you make the most of your visit to this stunning city, ensuring a memorable and rewarding adventure.

When to Go

Crafting your perfect Prague experience is all about timing. Tailor your visit to match your weather whims, crowd comfort, and desired adventures.

  • Spring and autumn charm with mild weather and fewer crowds.
  • Summer sizzles with festivals, but bigger crowds tag along.
  • Winter unveils a cozy wonderland with Christmas markets and fewer tourists, though you'll need to bundle up.

Getting Around

Use Public Transportation: Prague has an efficient public transportation system, including trams, buses, and the metro. Purchase a travel pass or use contactless payment methods for convenient and affordable transportation around the city.

Photo by Colby Oney

What to Explore

  • Historic Center: Prague's historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage site
  • Wander through the charming streets of the Old Town, Staré Město
  • Prague Castle, and the historic Charles Bridge for breathtaking views of the city.
  • Visit Lesser Town, Mala Strana for picturesque streets, beautiful architecture, and lovely gardens.
  • Don't miss the stunning St. Nicholas Church and the peaceful Wallenstein Garden.
  • Enjoy a scenic river cruise along the Vltava River
  • Explore the beautiful gardens and visit the Petřín Tower, which resembles the Eiffel Tower.
  • Take a stroll in Letná Park or Kampa Park, relax by the Vltava River, or visit the peaceful Vyšehrad Park for stunning views and historical attractions.
  • Explore the local markets, such as Havelské Tržiště or the farmers' markets at Náplavka, to discover fresh produce, local crafts, and traditional Czech products.
  • Take advantage of free walking tour to learn about Prague's history, architecture, and local legends.

What to Eat

Sample traditional Czech dishes like 

  • Goulash, svíčková (marinated beef with creamy sauce),
  • Trdelník (sweet pastry)
  • Czech beer
  • Fried Cheese (Smažák)
  • Cabbage Soup (Zelňačka)
  • Bread Dumplings (Buchty & Koláč)
  • Open Sandwiches (Chlebíček)

Fun fact: Lunch is considered the largest meal of the day. 

Photo by Colby Oney

Enjoy Live Music

Prague has a vibrant music scene with a variety of live performances. Attend a classical concert at one of the historic venues (like the beautiful National Theatre), enjoy jazz music in a cozy club, or experience Czech folk music in a traditional pub.

Learn Some Czech Phrases

While many locals speak English, learning a few basic Czech phrases can enhance your interactions and show respect for the local language and culture.

  • Yes: Ano
  • No: Ne
  • Please: Prosím (proseem)
  • Thank you: Děkuji ((dyekooyi)
  • Hi / Bye: Ahoj (ah-hoy) - can mean hello or goodbye
  • Hello, good afternoon: Dobry' den (dobree den)
  • What's your name?: Jak se jmenuješ? (yak se menooyete)
  • Do you speak English?: Mluvíte anglicky? (mlooveete anglitskee)
  • I don't speak Czech: Nemluvím česky (nemlooveem chehskee)

Respect Local Customs

Familiarize yourself with local customs and etiquette. Greet with a polite "dobrý den," be mindful of dress codes when visiting churches, and respect the city's historical sites and monuments.


Remember to check travel advisories and follow any safety guidelines or regulations during your visit. Prague offers a mix of history, stunning architecture, cultural experiences, and warm hospitality, ensuring a memorable trip.

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