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Pet-Friendly Hotel in NYC: The Redbury


by Courtney Dickson
2 years ago

Deciding on a hotel in NYC can be somewhat overwhelming — so many choices and styles, price points and locations. But what about if you’re traveling with your dog? Adding this extra need into the mix can either bring your travel plans to a screeching halt, and knowing some pet friendly options ahead of time can make things easier.

On our last visit to NYC, my husband and I stayed at The Redbury New York. 


The Redbury New York

Average Nightly Rate


Located in Midtown it’s convenient to visit any Manhattan location. We chose a 1-bedroom Suite for some extra space as a lot of NYC hotels are often smaller than you would expect in a major city. The room was quiet, but not soundproof but in NYC you come to expect a little noise from city outside your window when you travel.

The Redbury’s pet policy is very generous for a NYC hotel, your pet stays for free and there’s no pet deposit. Another thing to note is there’s no breed, number or size restriction which is common in many hotels. The hotel also provided us with some treats for our dog, along with a mat and bowl plus a tag for our room that alerts other guests and staff that you have a pet in your room. As an added thoughtful extra the hotel has a list of local amenities, pet friendly restaurants and even some free poop bags if you run out of your own. Overall a very comprehensive and pet friendly policy.

Photo by Courtney Dickson

New York City is a busy, noisy yet vibrant city. It’s constant drum of traffic noise, sirens and construction can be a little overwhelming for some dogs. We’ve travelled all over the world with our dogs so they’re pretty used to it. I would always suggest keeping your dog close when walking in a busy street, the last thing you want is for them to get in the way of the heavy foot traffic. Best to keep your dog and others safe and sound.

One thing to note about traveling with a dog in NY, is that catching an uber or taxi can be challenging, not all drivers welcome a dog in their car. A little trick we learned was to carry a blanket for our dog, we could wrap him up so none of his fur could land on the seats or floor. This seems to make drivers more responsive to a request for a trip with a dog.

Photo by Courtney Dickson

Some other tips to consider, not all guests staying at your hotel like dogs. Once at another NYC property we had a woman complain that we had a banned breed, and our dog was scaring her. It came as quite a shock as I was quietly sitting opposite the elevators waiting for my husband to return from our room and my Frenchie was curled up on my lap sleeping. Regardless of the fact that my dog sleeping, and I was sitting on my own she still made a point of my dog being in a hotel disturbed her. So, from that point on we have been very mindful of others in public spaces. That said, most people have been very welcoming when they see us walking through a lobby but its best to be mindful of the ones who aren’t.

Overall, we enjoyed our stay at The Redbury New York. A convenient and easy hotel that welcomed our dog like any other guest.



Courtney Dickson

TV Producer who has been lucky enough to specialise in travel. I love the outdoors, snowboarding and anything that includes wildlife. Give me a beautiful hotel and a stunning view and I wish I could take my dog with me always

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